About ME(L)

Melisa Erma Fitri
Born at 1989. Indonesian, muslim, simple but not simpler, open minded, friendly, high curiousity, google addict, dreamer, suka kesibukan, mandiri, tidur 6 jam sehari dan i like doing something with my own hands.
Languages, Music, Design Graphic, Photography, Book (not sure about this, haha),  Movie, Cultures, Arts, Traveling, Animals, Beaches.

All Genre.
Wanna know more bout my taste of music or my recent playlist, so please visit this >> site. \m/ (◣_◢) \m/

August Rush
Resident Evil
Ya, film semacam itulah, this page would never be enough to list them all☺

Book (*)
Saya lebih suka majalah ato bacaan apapun lah yang penting ada gambarnyaaaaa dan oke saya mengaku, saya tidak suka baca buku full text, it makes me sick T-T

Why I Made This?
As a journal, i would love to REread this when i'm getting older.
if you love life, life will love you back.
do what you love and love what you do, and you will get what you want.