Aug 22, 2010

MCR cast (Gerard Way)

MCR cast, they're Gerard Way (vocalist), Mickey Way (bassist), Frank Iero (ryhtm guitarist), Ray Toro (guitarist) and Bob Bryar, replaced Matt Pelissier as a drummer.
 In a Band, people usually like to talk bout the vocalist first. So do i. Here we go..! 

Gerard Arthur Way (Gee)
Was born April 9, 1977 Newark, New Jersey. The lead singer of the band My Chemical Romance. Mikey Way's (bass) brother .Gerard is 1/2 Italian (mother's), and also 1/2 Scottish (father's). His parents name are Donald dan Donna., voila....anak mereka ganteng banget ^^. Gerard's grandmother Elena taught him how to draw, sing and perform. So we know why "Helena" song was dedicated to her. He can sing, can draw, can dance, can act whatta talented boy he is, adorable....!!

Semasa kecilnya, dia udah yakin banget sama seni,. He's  he following singing class, acting class. Dan gara-gara itu, Gee makin dianggap aneh sama temen-temennya. Jadilah dia korban bullying. His first perform was act as Peter Pan, he used to be good. But his friends, actually call him as a looser.Nut now, he's became a hero! Haha..
Btw, dia pernah ketergantungan sama drugs, like xanax and alchohol. He has recently recovered from an addiction to drugs and alcohol, being sober as of August 2004, thx god he made it.

Remember something bout this photo? Gerard and Bert (The Used vocalist). They used to be a very best friend at the time. After they singing single "Underpressure" together, for a charity. But because something we don't know, they're endeed their friendship. Some people say that, first: Bert don't like if Gerard being sober. Second: Bert blaming Gerard as the caused of his girlfriend death. Third: they're debating about where's Underpressure belong to. I like too see them together, they're really good buddies, sad to know that they aren't friends anymore.

At September 4th 2007, Gerard married Lyn-Z, bassis from Mindless Self Indulgence. They're celebrated it behind the stage on Projekt Revolution Tour. There's only snacks an drink, but they were happy. Aww..and me to!! They daughter, Bandit Lee Way, was born in California on May 27, 2009.

I said he can draw, and yess, he's already finish a cartoon named "Breakfast Monkey". By this monkey, Gerard wants to spread the goodness of breakfast. Here's a vid bout Breakfast Monkey. Gerard udah tawarin sampel ke pihak Cartoon Network, but they reject it because they think its similar to Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Hmm, i don't thik so. 

This is the another creature of Gerard's hands. Umbrella Academy. It's about  superhero that adopted by alien. Click HERE to download. Umbrella Academy also has second series called Dallas, part 1 till 6.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

Wanna dance like crazy with Gee?? Click THIS or THIS or THIS (lol)

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2 komentar:

Anonymous said...

is Gerard Way really scottish and italian? or r u makin that up coz i thought he was american. btw i LUUUUVVVVVVV GEE!!

Unknown said...

I search it on google. too, loooove him, aaaawwww. Thanks for your comment anyway. ;)

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