Jan 11, 2011

Everyone Can Dream

I believe that everyman and women have a dream, maybe lots. Sometimes, dream is about things that hard to achieved. Dream is about something that we've always wanted since years ago. Since we were 7, 10 or maybe since we're in kindergarteen. Did you remember when your teacher asked you a question, "What will you be?"  That's a simple question, but unconsciously the answer of that question is contains our deepest dream. We're all free to have a dream, cause dream is one of many factors that give us the spirit of life, how to fulfill our lives. Dream's like a path that we've build. Even tough our path is twisted, rocky (terjal gitu maksudkuu ??), i'm sure, as a normal people, we'll fight to pass it..

So, what's your deepest dream? What will you be? What's your target of life?
Whatever our dream is, and no matter how hard it is, as long as we believe, we'll gonna make it.Pernah donk denger seribu jalan menuju Roma atau a thousand way to get Roma. Sama halnya seperti mimpi, setiap orang punya cara sendiri untuik mewujudkannya.

And you know what is good? IF YOU CAN DREAM IT, YOU CAN MAKE IT.

capek bo nulis engliish... *mikir dulu masalahnya . kalo salah anggep aja bahasa slang. done :p

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